Monday, October 02, 2006

It relates somehow...

Relationships...With people, animals, artifacts and even the world.

A balance of mutual respect, love, commitment and sacrifice. Feel free to add whatever you deem lacking.

Without even looking for it, I have people coming up to me telling me about their problems with the other half. And that is on top of all the issues I have with mine.

My ginger tomcat was jealous with another male kitten I brought back to the house temporarily. He showed his animosity through consistent hissing and even threaten to bite off my ear if I do not let if off onto the ground to confront the visitor. Oh hell! What's the jealously for? The kitten is not even belongs to my girlfriend, of which poses a different set of problems for me at times, and I can't even bother whether Timmy kills it or skins it alive.

*meow* I look down and sees the new visitor on my lap while writing this.

Two friends of mine have just broken off with their gals, or should I say the gals broke off with them, and another's relationship is on the rocks. Another buddy of mine, is hitting it off very well with someone who cannot decide whether to stay with his current or have a change of environment. That, in my case, does not warrant for worries of bro will have no problems handing that in my opinion. He's a veteran for god's sake.

I've decided to cut down on smoking for these few days. I believe there is no need for more tar and impurities in my lungs. A look at the sky will tell you why. The haze, if you're a frog in the well and only get a limited perspective of the sky and still can't figure out why, courtesy of the friendly people from Sumatra who decided to spice up the air with their brand of fragrance, Forest Fumes No.9. What is exactly their problem? My answer? Check it out in the so many publications and media report made so far by the environmentalists and quacks who are just dying to hear their voice through the TV.

Enuff said, it's time to go and bring my Korean wife to meet my Singaporean girlfriend for a meal at a Japanese restaurant.

On the way, I might once again decide to puff on Malaysian cigarettes while making way through the traffic jam, kaya and guyu.

In consideration of the Indonesian-produced haze.

Wednesday, September 13, 2006

Maiden Voyage

well, this is my maiden voyage in blogging. or some say virgin.

i try not to coarse here as much as i can...but sometimes it's just my second nature to be crude.