Friday, November 14, 2008
It sorta summed up my feelings for her when she constantly rejected me. But that was the past.
Then i saw this video on youtube where this Singaporean, Huang Jinglun, was doing his rendition of this song. I must say he is very good. I have tried for so long to sing this song well but have not succeeded so kudos to Huang.
Decided to put it up here so I can enjoy it for long time to come.
What's up with this people?
All was good, talking about their lives, their hopes, their feelings and emotions.
But the one thing i hate about some of these blogs were that they were narcissistic in nature.
You have girls who are not that pretty saying that the blog belongs to a pretty girl, let's make it lagi worse, to a pretty princess.
Guy blogs who talk about their anatomy being 'huge' and 'thick' but the only thing i think is 'thick' is that they are thick in the head.
You have drivers who say they drive a damn good car, wanna drive a damn good car, or will drive a damn good car, when the closest thing they can get to that is in their dreams.
Like me, i dream of anything in my dreams, but do you see me telling people my dreams are reality?
Gosh. People. Get. A. Mirror.

Nightmare: 14 November 2008
I walked to the stadium with my friends. We intended to engage in a game of football after our exams. The sun was scorching hot with sparse clouds trying their best to shade us from the merciless rays of the sun.
A sound like that of marching was heard coming from a distance. There he was, standing out from the rest like a sore thumb, with his shiny pate devoid of hair reflecting the sunlight like a glaring mirror. Ass, here comes the irritating discipline master. “Why are you guys here? Aren’t you supposed to go home to study?” he shouted, the noise ringing in our ears.
“Can’t we relax for awhile?” I answered nonchalantly.
“What is this doing here?” The Ass asked, referring to a box of discarded chocolates on the steps of the grandstand. Surprisingly, we have seen that box there for weeks whenever we came here to play footie. No one knew how it got there and why it was still there. It was already discoloured from the constant exposure to the sun and rain. It gave off a foul smell too. “Take it and throw it away!” The Ass demanded, and he kicked the box in our direction.
Thud. The box landed away from us in the wrong direction. I had to stifle a chortle at that lousy kick. The Ass can’t kick for nuts.
“Argh!” Nicholas sounded as he saw bugs scrambling out of the disturbed box. I turned and looked in the direction of the box and I was surprised to see bugs streaming out of the box endlessly. How could a small box of empty chocolates hide so many bugs in them?
A tirade of black, foul-smelling bugs streamed out of the box and in a moment, covered the instant area around the box with a black moving mass. We stood there shell-shocked as the bugs made their way towards The Ass. He tried to stomp those that were reaching him, but it was a futile attempt as his feet could not kill as fast as the bugs were coming out of the box and scuttling towards him. He frailed his arms in panic as the bugs scampered up his feet and onto his body. Soon, his body was covered with the black mass.
“WTF!” I shouted, “Let’s get a move on before they come to us!” I pulled Nicholas’s hand and tugged him to run with me. The bugs were now making a line towards us. It wasn’t funny but rather horrifying as we saw The Ass collapsing onto the floor.
We decided to get to my car as soon as possible and make an escape. As I looked around, I could see the bugs now streaming in all direction and towards the canteen where the majority of the student body was. One of my friend reached the car first and took the driver’s seat as the rest of us jumped into the seats. We managed to close the door and accelerated as the black mass was hot on our heels. The sound of screeching rubber was accompanied by the crunching of the bugs at the wheels. The sound was bone-chilling.
Goodness. Without any idea how, the bugs had moved in front of us and occupied the gateway out of the school. A gigantic bug was standing at the gateway terrorizing the few who had managed to get out of the canteen but was now staring death in the face.
“Get a move on man!” I shouted to Alvin who was at the wheel. “Take the other exit!” I pointed to the pedestrians door at the side.
“But we’ll crash!” screamed
“Or you wanna die? Just drive through the door, it’s big enough for the car to get through!” I ordered
“Hey turn on the air-con man, it’s hot in here,” said Nicholas.
“Freaking idiot” I thought, just thinking about comfort when all everyone was thinking of just now was how to get out of the massacre. I turned around and looked at the campus. I couldn’t believe my eyes when I saw the last inch of the flag pole at the roof got covered by bugs. The whole campus was now engulfed in the black moving mass. How much longer before everything else?
Saturday, November 08, 2008
Busy period
The things preventing me from sharing my dreams are that I don't have the time to write or that my dreams are so haphazard that I don't know how to write them out.
Sometimes my dreams are so porno in nature that I think it will be too grotesque to put them up here. Maybe I should put up a disclaimer stating that only 18 yr olds and older can view the blog. Then i get ppl to verify using their credit-card number, then maybe can earn some money. Whahaha!