I know that I'm in the wrong when:
I stay out late and am not in bed by 1 a.m. There's a need for me to RSP in order for my condition to get better;
I go drinking with my friends too often. Too much alcohol is bad for the system and these sessions usually end late.
Hence, I've promised myself and my guardian angel that I'll change for the better, But not everyone is an angel. There's no clear black or white in this world. I need time and space! I need these precious items to accomplish what I've promised.
There is no point in constant nagging
as it is rather irritating.
Give me time to prove my best,
so that I won't risk your behest.
I love freedom I love me,
as much as "lao shu ai da mi".
But I'm willing to compromise on that abit,
if it does wonders to our relationship.
What about you my darling angel?
Are you gonna do the same, hell?
Match 198 - Lost
11 years ago