Wednesday, January 28, 2009

My wrong my bad...reflecting on you.

I know that I'm in the wrong when:

I stay out late and am not in bed by 1 a.m. There's a need for me to RSP in order for my condition to get better;

I go drinking with my friends too often. Too much alcohol is bad for the system and these sessions usually end late.

Hence, I've promised myself and my guardian angel that I'll change for the better, But not everyone is an angel. There's no clear black or white in this world. I need time and space! I need these precious items to accomplish what I've promised.

There is no point in constant nagging
as it is rather irritating.

Give me time to prove my best,
so that I won't risk your behest.

I love freedom I love me,
as much as "lao shu ai da mi".

But I'm willing to compromise on that abit,
if it does wonders to our relationship.

What about you my darling angel?
Are you gonna do the same, hell?

How do I carry on?

I've walked with you through all weathers,
never felt any reluctance however cold.
But life has to take a turn,
and in the confusion,
I lost your presence.

I don't wanna not awake and miss your tidings,
bearing the pain I breathe deeply.
You said you'll bring me to the eternity that's promised,
braving the wind and rain in my heart while missing you, I move on.

Oh~Love, how do i carry on?
Alone, i climb the mountains and cross the seas,
just because you were good to me.
This love is unprecedented.

Oh~Love, how can't you know?
I don't know who has told me, loved me,
removed my burdens.
The curse of your gentle smile.

no~waiting for your return
to kiss me oh~deeply
thinking of you however much I'll never be lonely.
My pain, my tears, i take it for granted,
just for you to say you know, that's enough~oh!

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

A New Beginning

Finally, a laptop for me.
never will I be lagging away.
Hang around and you will see,
that new posts will come a-sway,
and fill up the void that has been around,
for days and weeks too much.

Finally, I won't have to implore,
my dear old brother who so often ignores
my pleas to use his dear old PC.
"Hey bro, here's my lappy you see!"

Har har har!